Sunday, 28 August 2011

From Denmark... With love

I am always amazed by Almighty's plans. I never expected to have so many wonderful people around me until I came to know about my bleeding disorders. I never made good friends. Most of them could not understand my disease and it was difficult to get along with them. I believe that we meet people with a specific purpose. Some give us happiness while others give us life long pain and tears. 

I happened to meet a wonderful young woman from a Scandinavian country. She read my blog post and sent a message to me. I was overwhelmed by her words of accepting her as a friend. I am glad that I replied to her message. She has also has a bleeding disorder but it is different from mine. We have developed a nice friendship and are in constant touch with each other. I am so happy to know her. She told me about her experiences and how she has been dealing with her bleeding disorder for so many years. One important common thing in both of us is that we love dogs like anything. She has two dogs and they are absolutely fabulous. They play with my friend and have fun with her. I miss having a pet. She is a wonderful pet owner. She makes sure that the babies (this is what she calls her pets) feel happy and cheerful. One of the pets is very naughty and enthusiastic while the other one is very wise and calm. But I like both of them.

It is so wonderful to share our thoughts and experiences with each other. Our cultures, languages and traditions are different but our hearts are so close to one another. I wonder how people meet and become best pals forever. I never expected that I would have a loving and caring friend like her. I am fortunate to have her in my life. I thank my VWD because of which we happened to meet and became each others' confidante.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Oh! these menses...

I worry a lot about my menstrual bleeding. I keep thinking about it most of the times. I am not obsessed with it but as a female with a bleeding disorder it is quite normal. The thing which I hate the most is having profuse, heavy and prolong menstrual bleeding. I just do not like it. My work efficiency gets decreased during menses. Sometimes I have to take leave from my work which I dislike the most. This time my menses started when I was making IQ report of a patient at the OPD. My lower back started paining badly and I could hardly move. It was so difficult for me to reach the metro station and board the train to go back home. Somehow I managed to start walking from the hospital and ultimately reached the metro station. The train was late by 7 minutes and I had to stand. There was no space available for sitting. The train came and I got a sigh of relief. Surprisingly the compartment was extremely crowded and I was getting irritated. There was a group of girls who were talking so loudly that I felt like scolding them. But I had no energy to do so. Frankly speaking I had no right to scold them. We live in a democratic nation and everyone has freedom to expression through words. Isn't it? I would have surely got into an argument with those girls in the train. Then suddenly an old woman pushed me so hard that I fell on the floor. I do not understand why can't people walk in a civilized manner. She didn't even say sorry to me. I starred at her but did not say anything. I was very annoyed by her behavior.

After reaching home I took painkiller, factor injection and hot water bag therapy. I slept for four hours and felt a little better when I woke up. My mum asked me to stay at home and rest for a day. I agreed and decided to stay back at home.

I took an off today so that I could rest. My lower back pain is still there but it will subside in few days. Sometimes I feel that having a bleeding disorder is a real challenge. It makes me weak for a while but with my mum's support and care I always face it bravely. My friend Suchu called me and asked about my condition. It was so nice to talk to her. Her soothing words gave me comfort. I really love her and she also loves me truly. We have a wonderful bonding and we also have share common interests. 

Today is my second day of bleeding and I got many get well soon messages from my friends. I am hoping to get back to my work tomorrow.