Thursday, 2 June 2011

Call from The Food monster

This afternoon I got a call from my friend called Food monster from Chennai. Chennai is a city in South India. I was really happy to talk to her. She is extremely fond of eating. I keep reminding her to keep her weight under control. I am the one who is always after her to eat healthy and not put on weight at any cost.

This friend of mine is currently pursuing her internship from Chennai in the Psychiatry department of a medical university. She is currently posted in Pediatric department where she is dealing with kids having ADHD, Rett's disorder and Mental retardation. Fortunately she got a case of a child having severe Hemophilia A. This kid has some behavioral problems. My friend took the child's case history and interviewed him at length. After the interview with the child and his parents, my friend got to know that the child developed behavioral problems because of the over protectiveness of his parents. The child's parents restrict his life to a great extent. The parents have a reason for that. According to them, the child is different from other kids as he has a bleeding disorder "Hemophilia A". His mother said "my son is not like other kids who can play rough games. If he gets an injury he would bleed badly which could be fatal". During the psychological assessment my friend also found that the child had low self esteem and there was less confidence in him. My friend immediately called me to tell me about this interesting case. She is looking forward to implement an intervention and treatment plan for the child in order to reduce his behavioral problems and build confidence in him. She will be taking  the parents for therapy.

It is an obvious phenomena that parents who have a child with bleeding disorder are cautious and protective. It is important for the child's well being. Sometimes, parents start governing the child's life to a great extent. In this way the child feels stuck and exhibits behavioral problems. Being overprotective could ruin the child's confidence having a bleeding disorder. The aim must be to empower such kids and not to make them dependent on others. Helping the child to lead a normal life must be the priority of the parents. They must be able to enhance their child's caliber and talent rather than constantly reminding the child about his bleeding condition. It's the parents attitude which can do wonders for the child's life.  I wish that every child with  bleeding disorder becomes capable of facing all the odds of life so that he/she could be called a true winner.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Priyanka!You were on-dot when you said "The aim must be to empower such kids and not to make them dependent on others. Helping the child to lead a normal life must be the priority of the parents. They must be able to enhance their child's caliber and talent rather than constantly reminding the child about his bleeding condition. It's the parents attitude which can do wonders for the child's life."

    I wish that every child with bleeding disorder had such wise parents!

    Krish, Chennai
